12/1/1995 Setlist, Photos, and Reviews

Edwin McCain opened

Friday, December 1, 1995
Cottonwood High School Auditorium
Salt Lake City, UT


Smokin' show. Tiny venue, very intimate and Bob was it a great mood. An SLC opener was the wish and he delivered in style. The standouts for me were;
Salt Lake City,
Walkin Blues,
Little Red Rooster,
K.C. Moan > Blackbird,
Shade of Grey > This Time Forever,
Heaven Help the Fool

Wasserman's solo was insane! Wish I could find a copy of he show, I did not see one taper in the crowd.

Fitzy, Seattle
Recall it being a dark show with cops everywhere. A weird post Jerry vibe for me at least. But LRR rocked the house. Would love to re3visit this show if a recording exists? Anyone?

LED, Cottonwood Heights
That wasserman solo was insane! He blew the place UP with that drop the mic walk off Star Spangled Banner or was it Amazing Grace? One of the two... Almost a bit too mellow and even if Bob was into it, Vince was aloof and you could tell

Kevin Sellers, Douglas, Alaska