3/4/2002 Setlist, Photos, and Reviews


Monday, March 4, 2002
Springfield, MA


Okay, hmmmmmm where to begin.. well let me start by asking what the hell we actually saw last night?!?! This was by far one of the best shows I have seen this year. I was definitely blown away, the sets were tight... real real real tight:)

Actually, I wont begin, I won't even try.

I could probably sit here all day long and try to come up with words to describe each individual song's preformance for this show, but I'm not going to. Look at the setlist.... If you were there, you know exactly what I mean. If not, well, let's just say that this show was flawless and all the songs and jams played were DEAD on:). I just want to seriously thank the band for that happy little ray of sunshine in my life at this point. :) Thanks guys

--- Time to go back to sleep ---

Tim, Springfield, MA