nice set list, even with the 2 dylan covers. i dont think ive seen ratdog play morning dew yet, but im looking forward to it. this looks like a show i would very much like to have seen.
mark, nashua
RatDog played with true enjoyment....
Showing Everyone lots of respect... Once Again
thank You For a real Good Time.
baker chase, cherry hill
Shakedown opener with a cool jam, Morning Dew was great. I shall be released another pleasant surprise!
Terry, Havertown
Was a t Holmdel last the rain. This show PERFECT! Whenever I hear Shakedwown as the opener, I know it's going to be a good show! Eyes just blew me away and the Morning Dew, only the 2ns time Ratdog has played it, was stellar. Bobby and Ratdog....all I can say is THANK YOU!
Steve Wojtak, Buena, NJ
Wow what a great show!! When the guys first came out on stage I had to do a double take because Mark was waring a Steve Kimock style hat. Interestingly, his playing really contained Steve's transcendent spiritual quality sound throughout the show. Shakedown Street was one of the best I've seen. Queen Jane was sweet as always. Eyes is a tune I always am excited to hear and this was a fantastic version!!
Kenny played the best I've ever seen him! He was absolutely on fire! Bobby seemed really fired up by his playing too. I was happy to hear Money For Gasoline again. It is a really catchy tune. The Bird Song was my second in a row but I was not complaining! Warren did played beautifully on the reprise. Morning Dew was absolutely awesome! Almost too much for my brain!!
The Allmans were awesome!! Derek played some of the most beautiful notes I've ever heard on the Shall Be Released. The Mountain Jam was great as always and the Dazed And Confused was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. For sure one of my favorite shows!!
Scott Probeck, Boulder, CO
What a difference a few days can make! I was at PNC a few days ago which for me at least was one of the, I hate to say it, worst shows I had ever been to, maybe it was me, but the reviews for the most part seem to agree that something was wrong.
Then there was last night with a smoking Shakedown opener followed by an a great Loose Lucy, I already knew I was in the right place at the right time and that things seemed to be back to normal. Normal that was until Morning Dew broke out right in the prime slot, talk about mind and mood altering, what a treat.
Nice job boys, loved it all. In less than a week I saw one of my worst RD show to one of of my top three. The weather was great, people were great, venue was great once you were in and the crowning gem Morning Dew. How about Jump for Joy or Tangled up in Blue on Halloween?
It was also nice to see some of the Dylan stuff back, great job on Hard Rain. My only dig would have been to have played maybe Crazy Fingers or something instead of Bird Song / reprieve as we just heard it the other night, but even Bird Song was so much better.
Just amazing, still smiling.
Chris, Bernardsville, NJ
bobby's vocals were smoky, sultry and sexy as hell in camden!! what a show! i was hoping that when he was talking about registering to vote that he was going to announce his candidacy. we need bobby for president!!! what a long strange trip that would be?
jody, bayville, NJ
Smokin show! Felt like the old days! The playing was stellar all night long - Money for Gasoline? Really catchy - new Bobby tune? Eyes was SICK! What a treat....
Justin, West Chester
Had a fantastic time at Camden. Eyes of the World made my show-going summer, and Morning Dew, what can you say? It was awesome! This whole set was really well-played with Bobby nailing all the lyrics to the songs and MK just keeps getting better as the years go by!! Kenny was absloutely blowing at this show, best I've seen from RatDog this year. My previous shows were Tower and Stroudsburg in the spring and Holmdel this summer. All great but i think this performance took the cake so far! Looking forward to fall tour in a big way because it seems like Bobby is starting to hit yet another high mark in terms of performance with this band. See you in the fall, Bobby!
Tyler Ainley, Royersford,PA
Two of my personal favorites (Morning Dew & Eyes of the World) were classic!
When Bobby kicked off with Shakedown Street he pulled the whole crowd into a funky groove that was kept alive through the entire set.
Money For Gasoline was a very cool song, and Bobby had the whole crowd singing along with A Hard Rain.
The Other One, Stuff, and Bird Song were also so welcome, and the band was perfect! I'm so glad Bobby takes good car of himself, and It's great to know that he's continuing the Dead sound.
If they're coming to a town near any of the readers here, don't hesitate buying your tickets. This is a must see!
jimmy, Glassboro,NJ
OK so the Dog keeps getting tighter and tighter. I thought I had seen one of the better shows this past March at The Tower theatre but last night in Camden was just as tight as a frogs ass. The Eyes was a journey of pure bliss. It brought me to places I have not been in a while. The One More Sturday Night was rockin and got me groovin and the Dew was...what can I was Dew! Bobby keep it up!
chuck heinz, Collegeville, PA
All in all a fun time was had. HOWEVER!!!! LAME ASS ENCORE!!!! Since when is Saturday Night the LAST song?!! COME ON BOYS!! That's the one song we know will be in the set.... but as an ENCORE.......??!! SHAME SHAME SHAME!!! With 20 years of bobby & Co... This is one disapointed head.... The Allman Bro's kicked ASS! Bobby's voice and the boys harmony was right on...VERY SWEET!
Great show! They really had their act together and rocked it. Outperformed the ABB if you ask me.
Mike, Avoca, PA
It was a very good show. They blew ABB away. Only show of the tour I saw..but it was great. They played a lot of Jerry stuff...which I normally dislike...but it was done so damn well... I cannot complain. GOD BLESS RATDOG!
Foot, Philly
A solid Shakedown St opener into Loose Lucy - Great start and they never looked back. By the time a superb rendidition of Eyes of the World rolled around there was an amazing sunset happening over the Philadelphia skyline. An awesome beginning to an awesome night of jamming. Bird Song Morning Dew ensemble was energetic and performed with perfection. Then Bobby introduced Warren for the Bird Song reprise. They had a laugh trying to figure out who was singing what verse. A nice finish to an excellent, well-played set. One more Saturday Night was an appropriate finish. In my opinion, this performance was a top dog performance for 2008.
Chad, Bucks County, PA
to chris in bernardsville
mark , nashua
Great freakin show! I wont go into every song and detail, but I must say Morning Dew blew me away. Sorry to say i missed the Shakedown opener :( But all's well. Much, much better than Baltimore in the spring. Thanks Bobby!
P.S. Dazed and Confused was amazing! Good job ABB!
Kara D., Stevensville, MD
Ratdog played very well last night. Truthfully I thought that they had been losing it lately (PNC comes to mind), but last night was very good. Shakedown got everybody moving, Bobby sang his heart out on Queen Jane and Hard Rain, and Eyes and Morning Dew were inspiring.
BTW, am I the only one who doesn't like Loose Lucy?
The Allmans were great also. They play such filthy blues its a lot of fun even if I don't know all the songs. "I shall be released" and "Dazed and Confused" were stellar.
Great easygoing venue. I'm a Jersey guy and I consider Camden an anything goes parking lot. In addition to the regular lot "merchandise", I was approached by people selling pharmies, ganga balls (whatever the f*** they are) and $5 shots of absinthe. Politely declined all 3. And I never even got off the trunk of my car!!! I miss the giant summer venues with all the lot craziness, and Camden reminds me of that a little.
Great times as always
Grateful Ken, Bordentown
wish I was there!!!! Love ya Bobby and Ratdog Cant wait to see you in Hershey. Every night since I saw you in Bethel seem to be getting better and better. Thank God for Bobby!
justin, Oswego
OK here we go , Ive been seeing Ratdog since its inception and come to think of it being my 43rd birthday is 8-31 Ive been seeing Bobby for exactly 30 years . ( 1st show was at the Capitol Thearte in NJ at the ripe old age of 13 ) This show was a incredible event , 2nd only to the time I saw Ratdog at the Count Bassie Theatre in Red Bank NJ ( jersey shore heads would no where im talking about ) In Red Bank they played Big Boss Man and a sweet Terripan - Lady with a fan - Flyer which was fucken sick but back to Camden . Shakedown into Loose Lucy , great way to start a show - Queen Jane - Money for Gasoline which rocked followed by a sweet Eyes of the World ( love the way Ratdog ends Eyes ) into a great acoustic Hard Rains Gonna Fall . Bird song into The Other One followed by drums - THEN IT HAPPENED , a version of MORNING DEW that rivals the finest ever done by the GD - no offense to Jerry but Bobby owned Morning Dew tonight .Bird Song reprise with Warren was fucken wonderful with them trading Snow and Rain vocals - Bobby then told all those GOD DAMN people ( his words ) not registered to vote to go register - HES RIGHT GO VOTE - Saturday Night encore to cap one of the greatest Ratdog shows Ive ever seen . To all the PNC Holmdel naysayers, a Birdsong sandwich with a side of Morning Dew is a good thing . THANK YOU FOR A REAL GOOD TIME - DO DO DO DOOT DO DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT DOOT DO DO !!
Tim Crawford, Jackson NJ
well, i messed up cause i stayed too long at spasso having dinner, missed the ferry and got there for money for gasoline which sounded good! eyes of the world was slow/ponderous - that song was always in jerry's right wrist which gave it that bounce - jerry never got the credit he deserved for his rhythm playing; hard rain was well paced except for the fact that i couldn't hear the vocals in section 103 -- instruments were too loud on that one! --- can we let bird song fly away forever? i seem to hear round these parts all the time -- i know its condusive for jamming but lets give it a well deserved rest -- the other one into stuff into morning dew was excellent --2nd best stuff i heard just shy of last year's stuff in sand diego with bobby cochrane sitting in --- the drum solo was also excellent -- one of the best i have heard, anywhere --- on no - the bird flew back in!!! too much!!! one more staurday nite was good, altho a tad slow -- bobby sang well throughout except aforementioned hard rain sound issues ---- guys, we are spending hard earned quid to come out for a rock show -- could we play some more chuckberry rockers -- i wanna dance not lude-out
brian, philadelphia
What a difference from last years show. Holy smokes. I had a great time. The music was fantastic. Jay's drum solo was sick. Morning Dew was stellar. Warren's sit-in was tasty. BUT the moment of the night was Bobby's sit-in with Derek and Warren "I Shall Be Released". That made my 600 mile trip worth it.
This note is for those who have not been coming to the shows. Whatever your reason, now is the time. This band is peaking while recalling all the groove and vibe from back in the day. Three keys:
1. Bobby's voice. Healthiest I've heard since the eighties.
2. The group has found their musical balance. They've each found their own places, and so together are finding those greater places. This is becoming a truly great band!
3. They are being soooo true to the sound, the songs, and the feel we all want when we go.
Still basking in the glow from this fine New Jersey night. So come on out!
Mac, Clifton, VA
The SHOW was great just like I expected.Shakedown STREET was great One more saturday was a great was to end the show.till we meet again.It was a long strange trip.
Lori, mcadoo PA.
Holy smokes Ratman, Bobby got a voice transplant. Am I the only one who was shocked by Bobby's strong vocals. I see the boys a few times a year and this was by far the best I've heard him since '04. The whole show was electric. Bobby, Warren and Derek acoustic I Shall be released was unbelievable. Allman Bros were smoking hot too. I have dreams of Jerry and Derek on stage together. Just imagine that. It would probably kill a couple of us.
David, Setauket NY
First show of the year. Couldn't makit to PNC, and from what I have been reading, this is not a bad thing. Excellent show! Only the 2nd show I have decided to purchase the CD afterwards (Phil & Friends at PNC in 2007 the other). Lawn vibe was very cool, beautiful night for an outdoor show. Hearing Eyes always makes me smile. Never tire of The Other One. Bobby's voice in fine form. I think between the song selection and hair, he's channeling Jerry. Looking forward to the next go around.
Jeff, North Plainfield, NJ
The show was great, particuarly Hard Rain, but I'm really bummed about what the scene has become.
My wife and I headed out to our truck after the show and had planned to have a beer or two while the lot traffic disappated. When we got to our truck, we discovered that someone had stolen a case of beer out the cooler in the bed. Mind you, it was only $30 worth of stuff, but in all the years I've been going to shows (Since 1990) it was the first time a fellow Deadhead actually robbed me. I was more let down and depressed about it than actually angry. It just sucks that the sense of community that was once a hallmark of the parking lot scene seems to have been replaced with so many people who are just there to get wasted and, evidently, steal. It's unfortunate that things are heading in that direction.
SuperGlide, Delran, NJ
What a great night in Camden. Perfect weather, awesome sunset, and one hell of a RatDog show. Any show with a Shakedown opener, Eyes, Other One and Morning Dew should make any real fan glad to be alive. Money For Gasoline is becoming one of my favorite newer songs. Keep up the great work fellas-
One quick note to Brian from Philadelphia-
Usually people who write reviews of shows are there from the BEGINNING OF THE SHOW-not having dinner while RatDog is rocking out! I know its a long ride from Philadelphia, but c'mon. And one other thing- Your last comment about rocking out- This makes me wonder if you were really at the show-
Red F-Town, CT
RED, F-Town, CT
Keep your chin up. There were plenty of Allman fans there. They stole your beer.
navlen, maplewood
This show was really one of the best shows I have ever been a part of!!! When Warren came out with Bobby, you just knew it be a perfect moment!!!even the bands in the lots before the show kicked ASS!!! ALWAYS GRATEFUL FOR A GRATE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!
wow!very cool show,the dog is becoming a very strong force out ther.i dxont know why more heads dont pick up on it but keeping the scene at a reasonable size mite be best!kimock was trancendent as usual.jeez the guy is sogood.real listens and adds real color to the tunes.but whats up with karan? hope hes ok!im a totla deadhead love bobby to death .....but....jeez the allmans are tearin it up very very to be the best two guitar attack out there rite now amazin could you imagine if sonmehow ratdog could jack it up to that kinda energy!oh well just dreamin all in all we are very blessed to have this stuff goin on thanks all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
b.cos, clayton nj
We had a great time saturday night! What a set! Bob was ON FIRE and did not disappoint. All you kind heads out there, keep on truckin' on. We'll see ya next time!!!!
Dusty & Marla, Philly
First time....won't be the last!
Scored third row pit with the help of a friend. Haven't stopped youtubin' "Money 4 Gasoline" all week and I can't wait to hear the copy...should have that by this weekend and am lookin forward to re-livin it all over again.
Hard Rain@ was real cool and Dew was....well, you know.
Allman's Dazed was awesome too
Walshy, L-Town
All I have to say...Is that when you get older in age,it takes more time to warm up.For all the bad reveiws I have been hearing on Ratbob..WOW!!!!..Ratdog sounded great!!!!..even though it took 5 shows to get warmed up..LOL.this was my first show of the year ,and thankfully It was one of bobbys best ones.shakedown was a shaker..a very nicly done EYES..and Morning!!haven't seen it live since Jerry!!was a treat..THANKS RATDOG!!!..I have to say they played better than the ABB..
casey jonz, philly-orlando
I've read many of the reviews.... they're all right!
This was a terrific show and Bobby and the gang were certainly playing to their people...
I saw them at the Tower earlier in the year and that was a terrific show...
They just seem to get tighter and better everytime I see them
Bozo, Pittston, PA
I agree with previous reviewer on the Tower show, it was an amazing set list. BUT.. every once in a while a band is just flat out on. Camden was it, Bobby's vocal, the music even the sound in general were all excellent. When you looked around at the crowd you could tell everyone felt the groove. Thanks guys.
Mike, Cape May, NJ
ps to Red F-Town CT
hey i fessed up early "i messed up" i was with husband/wife team who wanted to chow before the show - spasso is right there by the ferry and a good spot -- there's only 1 ferry going back and forth -- i was not real happy about missing "loose lucy and queen jane" -- as far as me being at the show -- how about this; when warren came out on the stage for bird song reprise - he was standing extreme stage left - audience right -- Red, i saw my first dead show in sept '73 -- i don't need to lie about seeing bobby and the boys!
brian, philadelphia
This show started out great for me. I got the Shakedown I was looking for, and then a few songs later there was a very nice Eyes of the World. As soon as I heard the first notes of Bird Song, however, the rest of the set became very predictable. I knew Bird Song would be reprised as it always is. It was also Saturday, so I knew OMSN was coming as well. Any Ratdog fan who has been to a bunch of shows knows this. Then, after the first part of Bird Song, they went into the Other One, with Bob only singing the first verse, so I thought that was coming back as well, but it didnt, and was finished 2 days later in Hershey. The real highlight of this show for me was the post-stuff Morning Dew. It was fantastic!!!!!! Built up to several nice climaxes, and Bob was in fine voice. Then back to Bird Song, which I was hoping would not be the last tune, but was. The obligatory OMSN followed. Bob, I beg of you, please stop with the reprises during one set shows. I dont mind them as much during 2 setters, but a fine night became oh so predictable and disappointing becasue I knew what you were going to do. Ya gotta shake it up for the faithful.
Mike In Philly, Philadelphia, PA
Yes, awesome show for sure. Was worth waiting the whole summer lol.
Just when ya thought your mind was blown the Allmans took stage & proceeded to demolish whatever was left hehe:).
Definitely the highlight of the summer.
Thank you so much guys & keep up the great work!:).
Dar, S. Jersey
Yes, awesome show for sure. Was worth waiting the whole summer lol.
Just when ya thought your mind was blown the Allmans took stage & proceeded to demolish whatever was left hehe:).
Definitely the highlight of the summer.
Thank you so much guys & keep up the great work!:).
Dar, S. Jersey