Thanks for the Scarlet ! Incredible show. More sing-alongs than any RD show I've been to. You guys are AMAZING !
Mike Lyons, Lynchburg
No need to recap any certain song or moment because the entire performance was epic. I will remember that performance for a long time. BUY THIS CD!
Andy, Everytown, USA
this was one smokin show bobby and the boys sounded great
this by far was the best rd show ive been to you guys were AWESOME!!!!
cosmikcharlie, farmville
I was blown away - completely floored! Incredible show from top to bottom.
Drew, CVille
This show was out of the gate like a race horse. One hell of a show that I was glad to be a part of. Thanks to the California girl in a cab going to the bus station afterwards. You were very, very, KIND.
Sumo, Richmond
Solid show but deffinately not epic! Hot 1st set with the exception of a butchered Picasso..But they only play it once maybe twice a tour.The band is playing great! It seems the band is a step ahead of Bobby.2nd set was EH.Its pretty bad when the highlight was the October Cheese.The monstorous ending to Oct was great!It had a Thundering Other One written all over it and they cheesed into a lackluster Althea?? Come On Bob!!! Mell thats thoughts..
tapertom, Sville
"Butchered Picasso," is exactly what I thought. I actually thought they were going to stop in the middle.
I thought The Other One, was going to come, as well . . .
I also agree, a lot of sing-along songs. If I never hear Two Djinn again, it would be fine with me. Does it even have a tune?
I've been to dead shows, where the energy was up the entire show. Many RD shows in the past seem up and down. This show had some down points, but a lot more up points than usual.
Peggy-O and Masterpiece were dead on solid.
Johnny B. Goode for the encore was ok, but I like Promised Land, when they are here in Va.
U.S. Blues would have been fun the night befor election day. (It was perfect in DC with the Other Ones, for example)
Black Muddy River was haunting, for some reason.
Kenny Brooks looks like he's having more fun than anyone else in the room, and that's always fun to watch.
Jim, Richmond
Drove two and a half hours from Roanoke and was well worth the drive.I had to buy the cds of the show to relive this great show.please come to Roanoke sometime
Bryan, Roanoke
Great show. I like it when Bob plays his songs and not many of Jerry's. Leave those for the memories. Lost Sailor>St. of Circumstance was awesome. Time to break out Lazy Lightning>Supplication next time you're in town Bob. And get a haircut or trim down the Jerry look! You'll look younger!
Sid, Powhatan
Thank you thank you thank you. IMO the whole show ROCKED and jammed the National. Personally, I am so thrilled and grateful to still be able to jam to the dead with the dead. Just got that one track mind and really just only want to hear dead!!!!! Appreciate the opportunity and the outstanding talent :)
Keep on keeping on puhlease.....
Eve Burton, mechanicsville
i had no idea!
all these years not wanting to risk tainting the spiritual experiences i found 35ish years ago and hold so dearly.
oh my god, bobby! i cried twice! (guitar in tenn jed and scarlet, i think) enveloped in a great blanket of everything you brought with you.
i noticed apple computers, now, huh, instead of all those speakers to lug around! and the cd is awesome!
thank you, bobby!
thank you for not staying home now,
thank you for tuning your guitar,
thank you for riding the bus to richmond.
you must be proud of your band. i should have known, i never doubted, though. the music is and always has been in you.
wolf, richmond
i have been seing bobby since the 9os thi show was weak and anticlimatic he sounded tired and bored no pivitol moments from this show thumbs down
tom addo, richmond va
Tom addo...sorry bro to hear that you din't enjoy the show..trully sorry you didn't feel it...I have to say..when i read a bunch of bad reveiws..i am like DAMN!!..even when bobby and the band are at there worst..not in my opinion..(just from the reveiws i read)..I can't say I have ever been to a bad Ratdog show!!.....Every show is fine and dandy to me...You know why??..Because I am Grateful...Forever grateful..forever dead!!...hey these guys are not gonna be doing this forever for us...but all i have to say...for Bobby age boy has a few bad nights ..but somewhere along the lines he will bring something there for us....I enjoy every minute they take the stage....I am past the critical veiws..I appreciate and respect what they are still doing..I have no choice..LOL..I guess that's one of the parts of being a Deadhead..My advice don't waste your time or money..and keep both thumbs up!!...What are you looking for???..Jerry? not gonna happen..I have never left a show and said Bobby really sucked ..I am always a happy mother when I leave..and I will hear alot of people complaining..LOL about what???..It's some funny shit..that's all I have to say...lash up and enjoy the ride...
caseyjonz, philadelphia
I LOVED IT!! The comments about Picasso Moon in other's reviews - I don't get it. I thought it rocked live, and I've listened to the CD constantly and love the PM and jam afterward. Even So, and October were great also. The whole think was wonderful. I had not heard Ratdog before so I didn't know what to expect. As a long-time Dead fan (I'm old) I thought the Dead songs were right on, and the Ratdog songs were refreshingly jazzed. I would LOVE to attend another RD concert and hope the boys in the band would love to return to Richmond. Rock on Bob. You even impressed my wife whose tastes in music would not have ever make her think to attend if not for my prodding. Thanks for a great night and a great CD!
cpete, richmond
I was so happy. I guess I don't get the comparing thing. I kinda knew who I was going to see. I think comparing Jerry and Bobby is stupid. Its like comparing salt and pepper. They go together but they have their own place. The two of those men both have such awesome places in music. Iwas just happy to see his face even scruffy. I hope your well Bob Weir I love your shows. Ive always loved your style in music and personality. I think every member that ever played with you guys had a real satement in music and life. Ill love the words, music, movement, feeling and the whole vibe forever from all who is left. I was In the very front and I danced & sang and had a fab time.I waslovin it.I think the best thing about the dead was the realness of them and there acceptance of us. Thanks Rat dog carry on with the carryin on. I miss ya Bob. I feel like I know you. I even feel like you should know me. Ha!! It's all good.Good guys Good music Good times and Good Memories. If you guys miss Jerry thats real, me too, but ,come on... think about it' I m pretty sure Bobby remembers him every day. I think that the legacy still lives in the living becaause of "The Dead" AND Keith,Pig pin, Brent,Janis,Jerry and so many more are gonna be singing me home when I go. So While Im here Im enjoyin the ride. Hopefully you"ll be back Bt the way I love your veiw on the riots in Canada People right. Would have loved to been on that Train. Hey If you guys ever visit Bobby and Rat dog I would be ashamed had I not said the whole band is awesome. Alot of fun too! Bob you guys come back and come again as The Dead soon I can't even begin to say how big my heart would swell I think my husband triples that emotion." The sentiment would be bitter sweet but the music would so fill the air...I think we would almost have to swallow the sound, air so thick with deep vibrations, almost.. knock you to the following the sound ..followed you around yeah ill be seein you around... Sometime later... ssssome time soon
maybe one time baby Id love to jam with .......You
tina, richmond
I have continued to listen to the recording of this show every day driving to and from work. I have continued to be blown away with how good this performance was. Is it just me or does anyone else agree. I can't get enough.
cpete, richmond