8/23/2009 Setlist, Photos, and Reviews

Flowmotion opened

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Paramount Theatre
Seattle, WA


Sunday afternoon found us with excellent weather and a kind lot scene before the show at the Paramount. Flomotion was a surprise and allowed us some more mingling time to play with. Maybe it was the Sunday night show or the largest venue at which Ratdog's ever performed in Seattle, but the crowd seemed smaller than I expected or witnessed in the past. (No problem... more space for me though it did make me feel like this may be the beginning of the end; Bob is getting older.) But no one told the band because it certainly didn't affect their energy. Dancin' is lost on me but Hell in a Bucket rocked. True to their form nowadays, the smoky, jazzy blues bellowed out in Even So and contiued for the rest of the set closing with a fantastic Sailor/Saint. When Bobby announced he'd be back in a bit, my brother and I stared at eachother; we're gonna get more. Very unexpected after seeing the setlists from the two previous nights. I was still chillin' on some beer as Victim opened but made it back to the balcony to rock with BT Wind. Ratdog rocked a very Dead like set (THANK YOU) and continued to amaze me that a 62 year old man was absolutely playing his heart out for this city. Couldn't believe people sat through this set, this was a great show. Ripple always seems a downer.... missing Jerry! Security was sticky in some places but understanding and kind in others; it was a predominately older crowd. Bobby always seems to make it to Seattle every year and a half (or so).... please, please, please come again. I have been watching Bobby for over ten years (man I'm getting old) and this was one of the best shows in a very long time. Epic around here is usually reserved for days of 2 foot powder dumps, but this deserves its epic label. Can I still buy a CD?

Stash, Seattle