3/14/2014 Setlist, Photos, and Reviews


Friday, March 14, 2014
Tennessee Theatre
Knoxville, TN


phenomenal show, high point of the five shows I saw. Had great Kind company around dancing and the venue was absolutely gorgeous. Jack straw was a little slow and Queen Jane was such a special treat. Althea was a a slowed down version in tempo but was extremely sexy and Bobby and Kimock really worked well together. Tennessee Jed can sometime lead to a train crash if the build up is not performed but this was not the case, Kimock kept building that roller coaster up and up and felt as if we did quadruple loops. Evenso- October queen was holly shit unbelievable and the people who weren't familiar with the song all sat down for a ce esta but the "heads" knew what was coming and as soon as they dropped into the October Queen it turn into a sizzling dance party. Then the set closed with a rock house Big Railroad blues and Jeff was really shining on this one

Acoustic was a huge treat with Winners then Jack A Roe and A classic On the Road again. The high point of the night was definitely was the Lost Sailor Saint and it was a straight blast off energy into one of the best Bird Songs I have ever heard all the while lighting bolts were shooting out of Kimocks guitar. Dear Prudence was so so beautiful and then the kicked up a notch into a rocking GDTRFB. Touch was great but you know every hates on that song and alot of people filed out. Not me I kept dancing to the last note. WHAT A NIGHT! Probably the best Ratdog show I have ever seen! It was up there.

Really nice meeting Denaz and PurplyBob. You guys brought great energy to that balcony, see you down the road

Jonah, Newfoundland
I was a GD, RD virgin before the Knoxville show. I have to say I totally enjoyed both shows in TN. It didn't take long for me to realize why there are so many deadheads and why they travelled with the band. I had the best time. It's not just about the music but the atmosphere, the vibe the people it's a total body experience which I will surely experience again. Met a girl Summer in Knoxville. Summer if you see thisJohn and I would love to keep in touch.

Jen Standiford, Baltimore
Amazing show. I've seen bobby and RD on many occasionas but this was top 3. If not the best ever. Not just saying that because I'm a local from Knoxville area. Tennessee Jed was so fitting. Jack straw and lost sailor were unbelievable. I was with an amazing woman who I miss terribly. She is a fellow deadhead and we had something very special which made the show my favorite EVER!!!! I no longer have her but will always have that special memory. I love the dead and I love you Coralee. Always will. Absolutely amazing show!!!

John, Morristown Tn.