This Time Forever (Bob Weir)

Guitar Tablature

Lyrics: John Barlow
Music: Bob Weir

Key: A
Chords: A, A7, AM7, A#dim, B9addA, B13, Bm7, C#, C#7-9, C#m, C#m7, D, DaddA, DM7, E, E6, E7, G/A, F#7, G#, G#sus, G#m7

Contributed by Wall Furlow
Any additional info would be appreciated
A  B9addA(567855)  DaddA(x54035)  A
A  B9addA(567855)  DaddA(x54035)  A

AM7(x05432)               B13(x07644)		
We'd had plenty of lovers

G#sus(466644)       G#  G#sus  G#
We had put in our time

C#m        G#m7        E    E6(076650)  E
We were anything but blind
AM7(x05432)               B13(x07644)  G#sus(466644)	     
Just as certain as angels				        

             G#     G#sus  G
Of perpetual flight

C#m             G#m7          E  E6(076650)  E
When we met, we saw the light

This one for sure

E6                 A7
This time forever

But it turned to sand

E       A#dim(01232x)      F#7
Slipping through our hands

     A  G/A(505430) 
As time

        D    C#m7  F#7
Slipped away

She was a stranger

       C#            C#7-9(x4343x) DM7   Bm7  C#m7  E7
When I woke and saw her            face

Intro x2
Intro x2